Was a success!! What a joy it was to get out of town- with a happy baby! We ventured out to Bakersfield for our very first road trip to meet our good friends and their new baby boy. I have to admit mama was a little nervous, call it flashbacks to his first month of life when the second his little behind touched the car seat he would FLIP out, cry uncontrollably in the car until we A. reached our destination or B. He would conk out. So as you can imagine it was a complete relief to see this in our rear mirror... one sleepy little munchkin...
The Chappells last saw Quinten when he was about 5 or 6 weeks old, so as you can imagine he has changed a bit!
Shannon and Josh have been friends for YEARS and have been through a lot together. Its so exciting to see them share in this crazy journey that is parenthood together. It was so fun to see the boys, with their boys...
Sleepy baby and dad :)
I wish I could have gotten a few more shots of the boys together, but little Aedan was ready to eat and Quinten wasn't so sure about another baby crying in his ear, we were ok here...
But within a matter of seconds we ended here... gotta laugh :)
Quinten did so good, was happy and talking and laughing and all. His little personality is really shinning through lately and I love it! The kids seemed to have similar schedules except little A slept a little more than Q. They ate at the same time and slept at the same time :)
The ride home went smooth. He slept the first 45 minutes or so and then woke up bored as could be. I think the lack of things to keep his attention was enough to tick him off. Mom ended up riding in the back to entertain him for the remainder of the trip. He's just lucky between the winding road, and wizzing lights that he didn't wear my dinner. I usually don't have much problems with motion sickness but something about riding in the backseat gets me a little queezy. All in all, it was a great day, so nice to get out of town and see friends we haven't seen in a while. And it was so nice to know that we can start doing more ventures with our little guy and he'll enjoy it! :)
yay! the boys are adorable. glad it went well and it is so cute to see the daddies :)